Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Play Online Game Apple Shooter

Apple Shooter, made by Wolf Games, takes the classic tale of a man shooting an apple from another man's head and makes it into a simple and fun flash game. You are the bowman and you choose the power and angle at which you would like to shoot the arrow. There is no penalty for missing except for an arrow stuck into the wall, reminding you of your miss.

A level is complete when you shoot the apple. If you hit the guy with the arrow, you lose the game and have to start back from level one. The game lets on the impression that there is an unlimited number of levels. However, level 16 is impossible to complete. Even if you put the angle as close to 45 as possible, which should give you the greatest distance, and put the power on maximum, the arrow will not make it far enough.

The game is both humorous and morbid in the death of the guy. When you shoot the guy with the arrow, there is a graphical display of the guy bleeding. There are over 4 different ways the guy can die, all depending on where the arrow was shot.

Another bug in the game is when you put the mouse behind the bowman. The trajectory will show the arrow going forward but when you let go you in fact see the arrow going in the opposite direction.

I would rate this game a 6/10. The game is addictive and you may just spend an hour shooting the actual guy. Passing the levels is fun and losing is upsetting as you have to start from the beginning. Out of frustration, you may just end up closing the game and opening it back up in a few hours to give it another go. Getting to level 16 takes about 5 minutes of perfect shooting. You get the biggest upset when you realize that level 16 is the last level and there is no real end.

Play Apple Shooter at Free Online Games.

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